From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

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Use the decision journey

Use the decision journey

- Think about a completely new product you purchased for the first time. Did you just dive right in and spend your money, or did you go through a series of steps before you made that purchase? Maybe you started by educating yourself online or by talking with family and friends. Maybe you considered a few different brands, then narrowed down to two or three and researched those brands' websites. After you made the purchase, you had an experience with the brand, which could have been positive or negative. Whether you realize it or not, you as a customer embark on a decision journey when you make a purchase. It could be for a totally new product, like I just described, or something that you use every day, like a bar of soap. We all do this. How does this relate to integration? Well, for marketers, a customer decision journey map helps create strategic and creative integration across external touch points. So now that…
