From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

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Relationship to brand and marketing

Relationship to brand and marketing

From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

Relationship to brand and marketing

- After you've defined your company objectives, what comes next? Activation. Activation is bringing your company objectives to life across all touch points. Employees need guidance to work toward the company objectives in their everyday jobs. This starts with internal stakeholders, and then applies to external stakeholders to ensure the brand strategy and marketing messages are integrated. Here are some examples of how to activate across each stakeholder group. Employees, which include both current and potential, must understand their role to help attain company objectives. Train and engage them by continuously reinforcing objectives on the internet, emails, newsletters, office signage, or interactions with executives who should lead by example. Distributing corporate brand guidelines. Including corporate objectives in performance reviews. Communicating company objectives in recruitment marketing and event…
