From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

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- If you're wondering how world-class marketers create seamlessly integrated campaigns, let me pull back the curtain. I'd like to share with you from my own experience and that of industry leaders. It doesn't matter whether you're a global brand or a small local brand. These are all best practices that any marketer can implement to create an amazing brand and customer experience. Let's take a look at them. First, use customer insights to develop the brand idea. That means think from the customer's perspective to understand what's important to them, like a problem they need to solve or a goal they may have. Then, use that insight as a foundation to create an integrated campaign. For example, Dove uncovered an insight that only 4% of women consider themselves beautiful. That blossomed into a globally integrated campaign that's gone viral and has been running for years. It even has its own Wikipedia page. Create an…
