From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

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How to overcome these barriers

How to overcome these barriers

- As the saying goes, the greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. Once you understand your company's integration barriers, you can think of solutions to overcome those barriers. Now, solutions will vary by the company, its leadership, and culture, but here are a few ideas that may work at your company. Engage your leadership. This may seem obvious, but without your leadership support, integration is really tough to implement. This likely will involve changes in culture, organizational structure, resources and processes. You'll need buy-in and ongoing support from decision-makers. When presenting your integration ideas to leadership, I suggest that you educate them about integration benefits and how it helps attain company objectives. Be clear about the specific support you need from them. Prepare to show the return on investment and use case studies to help leadership understand best practices. After you engage…
