From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

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How to create a vertical framework

How to create a vertical framework

From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

How to create a vertical framework

- I'd like to share with you a framework I developed to integrate vertically. If you haven't done so already, navigate to the downloads tab and download the vertical integration template I've provided. If you can't access the template, that's okay. You can follow along as we cover each step. Let's start with the first step, fill in the top row with your company objectives, the vision, purpose or mission and values. Now let's drill down vertically in each column. We'll start with the vision which informs your marketing objectives. What do you need your marketing to accomplish to help attain the company's vision? If you'd like to learn more about how to write objectives, check out the chapter in my Lead Generation course on setting goals. After you filled in your marketing objectives, think through marketing plan tactics to achieve your objectives. Planning sets your strategy in motion by utilizing various marketing…
