From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

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External integration and the customer

External integration and the customer

From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

External integration and the customer

- I want you to imagine all your brand's external marketing pinned up on a wall. If everything looked exactly the same, customers would start to tune out. They wouldn't feel the need to engage with your brand's communications. Why? Because they would feel that they already heard the brand's message. So to create integrated messaging across external touch points, don't just duplicate the exact same message like identical twins. Think of integration like a family resemblance, kind of like an extended family, grandparents, cousins, a sister or brother, children or parents. That marketing would all feel like it's coming from the same brand and will engage customers because they'll want to hear those messages. So external integration is creating a seamless experience across external touch points such as in-store signage, the website, brochures, social media sites, direct mail, videos, or print ads. External integration…
