From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

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Engage employees

Engage employees

- Can you think of a time that you've been scared about a change at work? If you really stopped to think about it what about it was the most scary? Was it the change itself or was it not knowing what the change would be and why? Most people understand that change is inevitable, especially in marketing. It's a dynamic field. The key to getting employees comfortable with change is to create and communicate the change story. That means explaining to people what the change is, why the change is happening and their role in the change. You need to communicate the change story to employees so they understand the need for integration, why it's important to attain company goals and their role in the process. I encourage you to use my framework in the exercise files to develop your change story. The first step is to define both the mindset and behavioral changes needed. A mindset change could be, let's say understanding that…
