From the course: Brand and Marketing Integration

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Barriers to overcome

Barriers to overcome

- For marketers, our ideal world consists of the entire organization working together to accomplish our objectives. And while that certainly is the goal of horizontal integration, achieving that kind of brand utopia doesn't happen overnight. As you build a fully integrated company, you're bound to meet barriers along the way. I want to arm you so that you're ready when you face these roadblocks. Here are some of the common complaints I hear from marketers about challenges they face. Many companies organizations are not structured for digital. This might sound surprising, but while most companies understand the need to focus on digital, they're not yet properly organized. What was one seen as nice to have has almost overnight become a make or break necessity. And if your company is like most, you aren't 100% ready for it. I hear chief marketing officers complain that it's hard to find talent for new tech-heavy roles,…
