From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design


- Recent discoveries about the way the human brain works while we're learning something new are offering us practical and reliable guidance for best practices in the design of eLearning. In this course, we will look at the fundamentals of how the brain works to support learning, and how we can design eLearning that makes optimal use of the brain's awesome power to take in new information, encode it in longterm memory, and retrieve it when the time comes to apply it. I'll show you some ways to design for the four variables that neuroscientists have identified as the key levers for enhancing eLearning, attention, generation, emotion, and spacing. I'm Dr. Joe Pulichino, and over the course of my career as a teacher, instructional designer, and learning solutions architect, I've learned much about how people learn. I'm excited to share what I've learned, how I've used it, and show you how to apply this science to your own work as an eLearning designer. So are you ready? Let's learn together.
