From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

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Summary and next steps

Summary and next steps

- I hope you found this course on the neuroscience of eLearning design interesting, informative, and practical. I especially hope that you're motivated to continue learning and apply what you've learned to your own particular eLearning challenges and initiatives. In the end it's really simple, regardless of how much you learn about the neuroscience of learning, there are four variables that must be considered to make eLearning engaging and effective. Get and sustain learners focused attention throughout the learning process. Enable the learner to make connections between what they already know and what they are learning. Encourage the learner to consider how they will apply the learning in context. Around learner emotion through motivation and positive social pressure. Space learning out over time and use repetition and retrieval to strengthen the learning in long term memory. I've also included a handout in the exercise files with additional steps you can take to expand and deepen…
