From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

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Memory and spaced learning

Memory and spaced learning

- Today's workers are being asked to learn more in less time yet, most training organizations have not adapted to address this reality. They continue to design, develop and deliver time compressed, information overloaded, training programs. They assume that what learners learn by attending a one time event or clicking through an e-learning course can and will be recalled and applied when learners are back at their jobs. Unfortunately the research shows that these learners will forget much of what they have learned. Most studies peg knowledge loss at 70 to 90% within three months of a traditional learning session. This loss takes place gradually and incrementally over time and follows what is widely known as the Forgetting Curve. And surely learners can't apply what they don't remember. The problem is that the program design itself isn't conducive to the way people actually store what they've learned into long-term memory. It turns out that recall is enhanced when we learn information…
