From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

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Arouse learner emotions

Arouse learner emotions

- We tend to think of learning as a mental activity, something that takes place entirely in our heads. From this point of view, learning is all about rationality and practicality and has little to do with feelings and emotion. Yet, research has shown that feeling and thinking are not so neatly separated in the brain, and virtually all mental activities involve both cognition and emotion. Since our emotional selves are centered in the brain as much as our rational selves, emotional arousal during the learning process can contribute to making learning more engaging and the lessons more likely to last. That's why emotion actually plays a complex and powerful role in learning, so much so that e-learning designers should design for emotional arousal. Research has shown a strong correlation between the vividness of a memory and the emotions felt during the original event. We've all had the experience of remembering exactly where we were and what we were doing when we witnessed or learned of…
