From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Wall areas and room volumes

Wall areas and room volumes

- [Instructor] Continuing where we left off in the last video where we measured three of our conference rooms and we got both length and area measurements using one tool. I also noticed there's an empty column here for wall area. Now, wall area is different than area because area would be the square footage, for example, of the flooring in the room. Whereas wall area would be the square footage of the drywall that I would need to surface the walls in the room. Now I don't need to apply another measurement tool to get wall area. I can just add some properties to the existing measurement tool by clicking on that measurement and then opening up the measurements access tab over here on the left side of the screen. And I'm going to scroll through here and find depth. So this is area measurement properties. I've already got the subject and the label. Now I'm going to add depth. So this would be the height, in this example,…
