From the course: Blazor: Getting Started

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How does it work: WebAssembly

How does it work: WebAssembly - Blazor Tutorial

From the course: Blazor: Getting Started

How does it work: WebAssembly

- [Instructor] We have a simple application. But how is .NET running in the browser? Is there some sort of crazy server side trickery going on here? Is there a giant plugin to install like server line? How big is downloading the .NET runtime for the browser? How could this ever even make sense as a way to deliver an application to a user? There are a lot of questions to answer here. But the magic is in WebAssembly. WebAssembly is a way to run code in the browser. Similar to JavaScript, but at a lower level. It's similar to traditional assembly language, with a relatively small instruction set. WebAssembly runs in parallel with JavaScript. WebAssembly can load other WebAssembly modules as well as JavaScript code. They can share functions that call one another. WebAssembly is a standard, abbreviated WASM that is supported by Chrome, Edge, Firefox and WebKit. It was designed as a WebAssembly API and a corresponding binary…
