From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

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Sustainable design tools: Buildings

Sustainable design tools: Buildings - Revit Tutorial

From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

Sustainable design tools: Buildings

- [Instructor] We need to apply sustainable design practices when design and delivering green buildings, at the head of sustainable designs is building energy modeling and analysis, and this help to analyze energy consumption and buildings both in their entirety and in this space within the buildings to establish more energy efficient alternatives. In this video we'll explore some building energy analysis tools some of which we'll focus on later in the course. One method to evaluate energy combustion and optimization in buildings is using building information modeling beam tools. Not only can beam tools aid integrated sustainable building design with design and operational efficiency but they also come with energy and performance analysis features. So here are some popular ones. The first is Autodesk Insights. These two aims to help architects and engineers achieve sustainability goals with better building energy and…
