From the course: BigCommerce Essential Training

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Overview of the dashboard

Overview of the dashboard

- [Instructor] We've taken care of all of the essentials. We've added products, and categories, customized how the store looks, figured out payments, shipping, and taxes. Our store is fully functional at this point and we could launch if we wanted. But let's take a little bit of time to look through the back end. There's a lot of extra little features we can adjust to make the experience of our store, either for us, or the customer, better. Let's start with a dashboard. Now to see the dashboard, you can go to Dashboard over here on the side bar, and then if you haven't already, skip these steps which are all the intro steps which we've already gone through. Now we can see the actual dashboard. We can see our store performance, some statistics, spotlights, and orders. The Store Performance graph is a very helpful little graph that gives you a couple key stats about how your store is doing. It includes visitors, conversions, orders, and revenue. If you're new to eCommerce, the most…
