From the course: BigCommerce Essential Training

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Determine shipping needs

Determine shipping needs

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're going to look into how exactly you can ship your products and how much it costs. You need to know what the costs are so you can charge the right amount and get profit from each sale. I've talked to plenty of store owners who didn't think about shipping and it ate into their profits. I want to make sure that you know what your options are so you can price your products and shipping correctly. Right out of the gate, you should know that free shipping is a must. Customers love it and they vote with their dollars. 61% of shoppers will leave your site if you don't offer free shipping. And consumers tend to visit three stores before making a decision, so if your competitor has free shipping and you don't, there's a good chance you're going to lose that sale. You don't however have to offer unconditional free shipping. You can offer unlockable free shipping at certain price points. For example, you might have free shipping, but it only unlocks at $50 or…
