From the course: BigCommerce Essential Training

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Add inventory data

Add inventory data

- [Instructor] Inventory used to be one of those things that you had to track manually. But now most e-commerce software will track it for you, which is a huge time-saver. Just like photo and videos there is a whole tab for inventory settings. I'll click that. I almost always recommend turning on some sort of inventory tracking. It'll prevent you from overselling your products. I'll go in and click track inventory for this product. I love that once we turn on tracking we can set our stock for product and our low stock level for product for our current stock let's go ahead and set this to five hundred. So we have five hundred blueberry mineral waters. Many platforms have low stock thresholds, but they're usually set at the store level, which doesn't always make sense for retailers. Some products may take 10 days to come in from a supplier here in the US. While other products take three months to manufacture in China and travel via boat. So let's say our products manufactured abroad and…
