From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture

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Benefits of using the cloud

Benefits of using the cloud

- [Instructor] Once you understand the ideals behind cloud services, I think the next question to ask is what are the benefits of moving to the cloud? Cloud computing eliminates the capital expense of buying hardware and software. This saves you money. Once the hardware is gone, it frees up time for your team members to work on other tasks. Gone are the hours of managing racks of servers. Plus, you stop managing the infrastructure. No more hardware setup or running onsite data centers. Also, you don't directly pay the electric utilities for power and cooling. Sure, the costs are part of your subscription, but they tend to be lower than what you'd pay at your local utility. You pay only for the compute power, storage, and other resources you use with no long-term contracts or upfront commitments. For example, I have a virtual machine that I use for teaching some of my courses. I turn it on before recording a segment…
