From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture

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A quick tour of Azure databases

A quick tour of Azure databases - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure: Understanding the Big Picture

A quick tour of Azure databases

- [Instructor] Database systems are used to collect, organize and manage large volumes of data. They are a valuable part of any organization's infrastructure. Azure offers many database options. This screenshot shows the major choices available. We'll explore some of these options. We'll start with Azure SQL Database. It is perfect when you need to store relational data in a transactional system with heavy duty querying capabilities. Azure SQL Database is the fully managed cloud equivalent of the on-premise SQL Server product that has been around for decades. It is a schema-based system where the structure of the database is encoded in the database plan. You store data and tables with rows and columns. It supports familiar SQL Server features, like stored procedures, user-defined functions and all of the T-SQL language specification. Azure SQL Database is a very mature and advanced database. Azure SQL Data Warehouse is…
