From the course: Azure Service Fabric for Developers

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Scaling an Azure Service Fabric cluster

Scaling an Azure Service Fabric cluster - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Service Fabric for Developers

Scaling an Azure Service Fabric cluster

- [Instructor] There are three mechanisms to scale a service fabric cluster. The first one is to manually specify the number of node instances that you want. So let's go ahead and navigate to the virtual machine scale set resource, and here in the settings section, you will find the scaling option. As you can see, the default option is manually scale, and here you can specify the number of node instances. In this moment, I have five, but I can set it to, for example, 20. After saving this option, the virtual machine scale set will increase from five to 20 instances. The second option is to use custom autoscaling. If you select this option, you can find here the add a rule button where you can specify a rule for scaling. This is a rule based on some metric that you want to determine if the cluster needs to scale up or down. For example, based on the percentage CPU value in the last five minutes, say, if it's…
