From the course: Azure Service Fabric for Developers

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Lifting and shifting legacy applications to Service Fabric

Lifting and shifting legacy applications to Service Fabric - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Service Fabric for Developers

Lifting and shifting legacy applications to Service Fabric

- [Narrator] Imagine that you have an existing application that you want to modernize, but that rebuilding it isn't an option since it'd cost too much time and money. For instance, this application that I have here was built with the dot net framework 4.6, it's using SOAP and WCF web services, and these technologies today are considered legacy technologies, and are not recommended for new projects. Thus you can use a technique called lift and shift, which proposes to containerize application and take that container or containers to a much more modern execution environment just like Service Fabric. With list and shift very few or no modifications at all are required to an existing application. The first step to lift and shift is to containerize our applications. You can do that in a very straightforward way in Visual Studio, just right click on the project, and select the Add Docker support option. And as you can see…
