From the course: Azure Service Fabric for Developers

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Communicating to Service Fabric services by using WCF

Communicating to Service Fabric services by using WCF - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Service Fabric for Developers

Communicating to Service Fabric services by using WCF

- [Instructor] Now that we've seen different ways to communicate between services in the backend, let's see how we can communicate from a client application such as a console application to a service running in Service Fabric by using WCF. This scenario will be helpful when your services and clients are using the .NET framework runtime. To explain what we're going to do, let me show you the following diagram. We're going to create a new order service based on the .NET Framework Stateless Service template and additionally, we're going to create a new .NET Framework console application. We're going to define a common interface between those projects. This interface is the public-facing API for all the clients that want to invoke the orders functionality. In this case, the console application. Both service and client are going to reference this assembly. The order service is going to implement the interface. Finally,…
