From the course: Azure Service Fabric for Developers

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Challenge: Developing an Azure Service Fabric application by using stateless services

Challenge: Developing an Azure Service Fabric application by using stateless services - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Service Fabric for Developers

Challenge: Developing an Azure Service Fabric application by using stateless services

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Well now it's time for a challenge. Please be aware that this isn't a short challenge. The goal is for you to get real hands-on practice implementing stateless services in Service Fabric and a communication between them. As a result, this will likely take you between 60 and 90 minutes to complete. I strongly suggest that you follow along the videos in this chapter again. On the other hand, if you'd like to skip it, please do, and join me in the next chapter. If you accept the challenge, you'll need to implement the following Service Fabric application named Ecommerce that has three projects. The Api.Core project, the Products service, and the Search service. The Api.Core project has a reference to the Microsoft.ServiveFabric.Services.Remoting NuGet package. And it implements the IProductsService interface. Regarding the Products service, it also references the…
