From the course: Azure Microservices with .NET Core for Developers

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Creating an Azure DevOps project

Creating an Azure DevOps project

- [Instructor] To get the most out of microservice bay solution you need to adopt a process that enables you to automatically build, test, and deploy your microservices in an automated fashion. There are so many different platforms and technologies that allow you to do exactly that. The continuous integration process or CI is essential for a microservice bay solution to be successful. In this course I'll use Azure DevOps which contains different services such as, Azure Repos and Azure Pipelines. What is pretty cool about Azure DevOps is that it includes tons of free functionality and computer time. Furthermore, you can use it to build and deploy software written in any language and any platform. So let's get started. I'm going to set the name to ecommerce. You can change the visibility for this project. Private is fine. And also you can change the version control system. And the work item processing. This case I'm…
