From the course: Azure Event Hubs for Developers

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Provisioning event hub instances

Provisioning event hub instances - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Event Hubs for Developers

Provisioning event hub instances

- [Instructor] Now that our name space has been created, let's go ahead and navigate to it. We can quickly navigate to it by using the call to resource or if you (indistinct) already then you can navigate event hub services. And from here, choose the name space that you just created. At this point, we only have created the name space. There are no hubs to process our data. So our next step would be to create an event hub. To do that, we need to navigate to entities and in here we need to choose event hubs. Let's go ahead and create a new one using the add event hub button. First, we need to give it a name, let's name it, sensor data. Here we're going to be sending sensor data from our client application which simulates a security company. Next we have the partition count option, partitions in event hubs are data organization mechanisms. They are really useful when consuming the data. For example, we might have different…
