From the course: Azure Event Hubs for Developers

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Creating an event receiver

Creating an event receiver - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Event Hubs for Developers

Creating an event receiver

- [Instructor] In this demo, we are going to look at setting up our event consumer. First, let's go ahead and create a new console project. Right click on the Solution. Add, New Project. We're going to use a Console App, and let's name it EventConsumerClient. Let's move on the next page. And we are going to use .NET 6. Now, that we have our event consumer client, the first thing that we need to do is install the required NuGet packages. By right clicking on the Project, you can navigate to Manage NuGet Packages. And in here, we're going to browse, we need to look for Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor. Currently, the latest version is 5.6.2. When you're watching the course if there is a higher version, then install that one. And if you are having problems following the course then try downgrading to this version. Let's go ahead and install it. Now, that we have the package, let's go ahead and set up our client.…
