From the course: Azure Event Hubs for Developers

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Creating alerts

Creating alerts

- [Instructor] Another useful thing that you should always do when creating your Event Hub and Event Hub Namespaces is set up monitoring. You always want to be notified when something goes wrong or you are receiving way to more messages than normal or than you are expecting. And we can achieve this using alerts. If we scroll down to the monitoring, we have the alerts tab. Let's go ahead and click on it. And let's create a new alert. First, we need to select a signal, for our demo we are going to select metrics in here we have signals that we can listen for and then get alerts. For example, some of these are obsolete or deprecated so we should not use them, but let's go ahead and say we want to listen for incoming bytes. If events are coming in and they have large sizes then we want to deal with it. Let's go ahead and kick incoming bytes. And we can see over the last six hours we had about 82 megabytes of data,…
