From the course: Azure Event Hubs for Developers

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Configuring Access policies

Configuring Access policies - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Event Hubs for Developers

Configuring Access policies

- [Instructor] In order to connect to our Event Hub and send events. First, we need a connection string and Event-Hub name. Let's go ahead and navigate to the Azure Portal to get these values. We can get a connection string or an access key by using shared access policies. Under our Event Hub course namespace, If we navigate to Shared access policies, here we have one that is already created. This is for internal use. We are going to add the new one. Let's go ahead and use Add button, and here we need to provide it with a name. Let's name it sensorloggenerator, and next we need to specify the permissions. We have Manage, which gives access to manage the Event Hub namespace, Send, only to send events, and Listen to receive events. In this case, we are only interested in sending events. So we need to click the Send option and finally, let's go ahead and create it. Once the policy is created, we can click on it, and…
