From the course: Azure Data Engineer Associate (DP-203) Cert Prep: 3 Design and Implement Data Security

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Load a DataFrame with sensitive information

Load a DataFrame with sensitive information

- [Narrator] Loaded data frame with sensitive information. There are a few things to pay attention to. First, what is the data classification methodology used? One of the most common ways to do this is to have different labels. For example, a sensitivity label that would apply to certain information. A retention label that would basically say how long this data should be around. Also labeling it sensitive information in general and then there's different types as well, such as trainable classifiers. So could you actually go through and actually detect certain types of data and automatically protect it and classify it? Once you have these controls set up, then you can go into different aspects like the storage type, the encryption, access controls, data destruction, data loss, logging, who's been accessing things, tracking where those resources have moved. Finally, once you've done all that, you're ready to securely load…
