From the course: Azure Data Engineer Associate (DP-203) Cert Prep: 3 Design and Implement Data Security

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Implement resource tokens in Azure Databricks

Implement resource tokens in Azure Databricks

- [Instructor] Implement resource tokens in Azure Databricks. Let's take a look at what that would look like from an architectural view. Here's a diagram of how this would actually play out. I would have my Azure Databricks cluster set up and once I've got that set up, I can communicate with third party data sets. I can move data in and out of Databricks and then I also can communicate via the management API through a Python script I write or potentially to the Spark ecosystem. And all that can be done in a cloud-based development environment such as GitHub Codespaces. All I need to do is export the token and also the server host name, the HTTP path, and also the host. Let's go ahead and take a look at how we would do this in Databricks. First, I would go into my Databricks account here and I would actually generate a new token. You could see in this particular example I could put a comment and this could be for…
