From the course: AWS: Networking

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Configure Route 53 alias

Configure Route 53 alias

- [Instructor] In this video, we pick up where we left off and configure a static website in S3. To get that done, we're going to follow three straightforward steps. The first is to verify the object permissions inside the S3 bucket. The second is to verify the permissions on the bucket itself. Finally, we'll go into route 53 and create the alias record. We left off inside the bucket. The first thing I need to do, is make sure that the index.html and the s404.html, are both publicly available. So, I select both of them and then choose the make public option from the actions menu. Making specific objects public, is a pretty powerful action. And AWS wants to make sure that you know what you're doing. In the modal window that appears, it gives you a little warning near the bottom. In this case, this is exactly what I want to do. So I click the blue Make Public button. The next thing I need to do,…
