From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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Tools to connect with AWS

Tools to connect with AWS

- [Instructor] Before we begin exploring the AWS services, let's look at the different ways by which you can connect to and interact with AWS. To connect with your AWS account, you can use the AWS Management Console. This is the web user interface and a commonly used method. You can also use the CLI, or command line interface. This requires you to download and configure the tool before connecting to AWS. But once configured, you can control multiple AWS services and automate them through scripts. You can also use the SDKs, or software development kits. In addition to the above two methods, AWS also provides SDKs that allow you to develop applications on AWS in several supported languages, such as Java, .net, Node.js, PHP, Python, and more. You will find more information about SDKs in the online documentation. And you can also use the AWS cloud shell. This is a browser-based shell that provides a similar experience as…
