From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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S3 Glacier

S3 Glacier

- [Instructor] One of the storage requirements for businesses is long-term storage or data archival for infrequently access data. Most times, this is due to the need to preserve digital data or for compliance reasons. Amazon S3 has three storage classes that you can use for data archival: Glacier Instant Retrieval, Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and Glacier Deep Archive. These storage classes are incredibly low cost and aimed at long-term backup for months, years, or even decades. Using Glacier, administrators can offload critical storage related tasks commonly found in on-premises environments such as capacity planning, hardware provisioning, data replication, and hardware failure detection and recovery. There's a couple of ways by which you can store your files in Glacier. One way is to upload objects to an S3 bucket and use one of the Glacier storage classes. Another way is to use the AWS CLI. It is important to…
