From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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Launching an EC2 instance

Launching an EC2 instance

- [Instructor] An important aspect of an administrator's job is to create and manage virtual machines. Virtual machines on AWS are known as EC2 instances or elastic compute cloud instances. Let's understand how to create EC2 instances. From the EC2 console, click instances on the left navigation pane and then click launch instances. The first step is to select an AMI. For this example, select a Windows server base AMI. In the second step, you will select an instance type. AWS provides instance types with varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capabilities. Some instance types provide more compute capacity, some have more memory, while others offer a balance of compute, memory and storage. For a comparison of the instance types, please refer to the EC2 documentation. For this example, select t3 medium. This instance type provides two VCPUs and four GB of memory. Bear in mind that the pricing of your…
