From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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IAM roles

IAM roles

- As an administrator, an IAM entity type that you'll commonly work with, is IAM roles. An IAM role is an identity that you create in your account, that has specific permissions. It can be assumed by a user or a service that needs it. For example, consider two services in your AWS account. Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. an EC2 instance wants to access the contents of an S3 bucket. Even though both services belong to your AWS account, access is not permitted. This is because an AWS service cannot access another service by default. To allow this access, you can create an IAM role, with permissions on the Amazon S3 service, and attach it to the EC2 instance. Doing so will enable the EC2 instance, to access the bucket contents. Note that, an IAM role is similar to an IAM user, in that it is an AWS identity with permissions policies, that determine what the identity can, and cannot do in AWS. However, the key difference is…
