From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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EC2 purchasing options

EC2 purchasing options

- [Instructor] Amazon EC2 various purchasing options for EC2 instances, allowing you to choose a suitable model for your use case. The available options are on-demand instances, spot instances, reserved instances, dedicated hosts, dedicated instances, savings plans and capacity reservations. With on-demand instances, you pay for compute capacity by the second with no long-term commitments. On-demand instances are a perfect fit for applications with short-term irregular workloads that cannot be interrupted. It is also a good fit for when you're just starting out with EC2 instances and would like to try before committing. You will find pricing of on-demand instances in the EC2 documentation. Spot instances allow you to request unused EC2 instances at lower than the on-demand price. Usually you can get spot instances at highly discounted prices, but only when there's available capacity. When you request a spot instance,…
