From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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Create an AWS Organization

Create an AWS Organization

- [Instructor] Now let's walk through the steps to create an AWS organization. To perform the steps in this demonstration, you will need two AWS accounts. You'll configure one as the management account and then you will add another account as a member within the organization. Under the management account, you will create two OUs or organizational units, production and non-production. Then you will invite an existing AWS account as a member account under the production OU. Start with the AWS account you intend to use as the management account. To distinguish the accounts, I've named my management account as account one and the member account as account two. From the services dropdown menu, navigate to the management and governance section, and then go to the AWS organization service. Click create an organization. The organization has been created. At the top is root which contains the management account. This is the…
