From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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Configure an S3 bucket

Configure an S3 bucket

- [Instructor] Let's now understand how to create and configure an S3 bucket. We'll also look at some of the important settings that you're likely to use in a production environment. From the AWS management console use the services dropdown menu, and navigate to the storage section, and then go to S3. If you already have some buckets configured, you will find them here. To create a new bucket, click the Create bucket button. First, you will need to provide a bucket name. Bucket names can consist only of lowercase characters, numbers, dots, and hyphens, and must begin and end with a letter or number. Also the bucket name must be unique. Next, select an AWS region where you'd like to create the bucket. Use this option to copy settings from an existing bucket. You can see that the object ownership is set to bucket owner enforced. This means you as the bucket owner, own and have full control over every object in the bucket.…
