From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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- [Instructor] AWS CloudTrail is a service that records actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service as AWS events. This includes actions taken in the AWS management console, AWS command line interface, AWS SDKs, and APIs. AWS CloudTrail helps you with key administrative and operational requirements such as governance, compliance, and risk auditing of your AWS account. CloudTrail is automatically enabled when you create your AWS account. When an activity occurs in your AWS account that activity is recorded as a CloudTrail event for 90 days. In addition, you can create a CloudTrail trail to store events beyond 90 days by delivering them to an S3 bucket. Now let's switch to the AWS management console and learn how to configure CloudTrail. From the Services dropdown menu, navigate to the Management & Governance section and then click the CloudTrail service. On the left navigation pane, click Event history. Doing so…
