From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

AWS fundamentals

- [Instructor] Amazon Web Services or AWS offers over 200 different services to its customers. These services are delivered using regions and availability zones. AWS distributes the regions worldwide, allowing customers to choose based on their preference for low latency, cost, and compliance. So let's understand what is a region. A region is a physical location from where AWS provides its services. Examples of regions include North Virginia, Singapore, Sydney, and more. AWS designs each region to be completely isolated from another, allowing for fault tolerance. A region has multiple isolated locations known as availability zones. They consist of one or more discreet data centers each with redundant power and connectivity. Each availability zone is isolated but the availability zones within a region are connected through low-latency links. And each region has at least two availability zones. As an administrator, you can host your resources and data in multiple regions and across multiple availability zones within a region, allowing for a highly available, fault-tolerant deployment while taking care of your compliance requirements. So to visualize this, the AWS cloud is composed of multiple regions and within each region are multiple availability zones. Each region is assigned an identifier. For example, North Virginia is represented as us-east-1 and the availability zones within North Virginia are represented as us-east-1a, 1b, and so on. AWS regularly adds new regions and availability zones. For a complete list of available regions and availability zones, please refer to the AWS documentation. Services that AWS provides to its customers are grouped in different categories. Important categories include compute, storage, networking, databases, identity and access management, containers, developer tools, management and governance, machine learning, and more. Most of these categories include multiple products and have flexible pricing options so as an administrator, you can choose from a wide selection of tools. Customers planning on migrating their resources to the cloud commonly have two concerns, security and compliance. Talking about security, AWS uses a shared responsibility model where AWS manages the security of the cloud while you are responsible for security in the cloud. As an example, AWS will manage the physical hardware that powers their cloud services but you'll be responsible for the data and applications you host on them. To better understand how security is managed in the AWS cloud, I encourage you to review the AWS shared responsibility model. It explains in detail the separation of responsibilities for AWS and the customer. When talking about compliance, there are two aspects to consider, compliance of your resources and compliance of the cloud provider, in this case, AWS. AWS offers several tools to monitor the configuration of your resources and evaluate them for compliance. We'll be talking about many of these tools in this course. Talking about compliance of AWS, the AWS infrastructure is compliant with popular standards such as SOC1, two, and three, FedRAMP, PCI DSS Level 1, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, and more. To know more about AWS compliance, please refer to the risk and compliance document. So now that you understand AWS's services, let's discuss the different ways by which you can connect to the AWS cloud.
