From the course: AWS Essential Training for Administrators

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Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

- In an earlier video, we looked at Amazon EFS, or Elastic File System, a file system for use with Linux instances. AWS also has a file server for use with Windows instances and it is called Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. It is a fully managed service, eliminating the administrative overhead of provisioning hardware, maintaining software, addressing failures and performing backups. It is backed by a fully native Windows file system, and supports the industry standard Server Message Block, or SMB protocol, to access file storage over a network. From a configuration standpoint, it's slightly different from EFS. You have to specify the amount of storage and throughput capacity while creating the file system, though you can change this later. Once provisioned, the file system comes with a default Windows file share called \share. A file share is a specific folder within your file system that you can access using the SMB…
