From the course: Awareness to Action: Level Up as a DEI Change Agent in Your Organization

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Recognize internalized oppression

Recognize internalized oppression

- Internalized oppression can be thought of as the negative messaging that we believe about a marginalized identity that we hold. We may not have thought about it much, but it's important to understand how our own beliefs and perceptions may influence our behavior towards others who hold these same identities. As a Black person, I recognize the ways I've internalized negative stereotypes about the Black community. One of the ways that internalized oppression shows up for me is in my beliefs about my own hair and Black hair in general. I've always known that my hair was different from the other kids in school. In elementary school, kids made fun of my hair texture and said I looked like a Chia Pet. In the 1990s, Chia Pets were these popular bonsai trees that could be shaped into different things. As an adult, I now recognize the ways that what I saw in society had been internalized and impacted the way that I saw myself.…
