From the course: Awareness to Action: Level Up as a DEI Change Agent in Your Organization

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Coalition building

Coalition building

- When I was a professor, I was asked to be part of my university's women's group. I was hesitant in joining, but I pushed my hesitation aside and joined as it was a great opportunity for coalition building. My initial hesitation was that it was unclear what the return on investment would be if I joined the group. The goals seemed a bit vague, and I worried that it would be too great of a time commitment. Would the juice be worth the squeeze? During our meetings, the senior faculty members would share tea about the university, and would offer their perspectives on strategies for promotion and tenure. As a collective, we hosted events, brought in speakers, even on a small budget. Initially, after joining, I was happy that the group existed because it showed me that the university was invested in growing and developing its faculty members. This type of work as a group is known as coalition building. The value of coalition…
