From the course: Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility

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Prioritizing issues by impact

Prioritizing issues by impact

- [Instructor] Now that we have our WCAG criteria in here this is a perfect time for us to assess impact. We've already talked a little about impact, but this is the first time we will try to assess it in an audit. Including impact isn't us saying an issue isn't important. It's a matter of prioritizing issues so that we can fix the most important ones first. Remember that an issue's impact isn't a hard metric. It's going to depend on a few factors. Impact should be assessed using a combination of impact on users. How significant of a barrier is created with this issue for our end users? Impact on organization. Does this component get used in essential interactions in our organization? And impact by usage. How often is this component used across all products? Let's see if we can try to assess impact to our contrast issue. Here are a few things we know about this issue. For impact on users, the conformance level is AA.…
