From the course: Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility

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Digital accessibility standards

Digital accessibility standards

- When it comes to digital accessibility, the best place to start is with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG. WCAG is a set of standards designed to make digital interactions more accessible. These guides and other related standards such as the guides for authoring tools and user agents can evaluate websites, operating systems, mobile apps, really anything used digitally. WCAG has four principles. Explaining that digital content must be perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. Spelling the acronym, POUR. Perceivable means removing barriers by providing alternative ways to access content. For example, to make a video accessible, we would provide captions in a transcript. Operable means that content and anything interactive can be controlled through various tools. For example, making an experience work for someone who only uses their keyboard to navigate. Understandable means using language and…
