From the course: Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility

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Considerations for an accessibility audit

Considerations for an accessibility audit

From the course: Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility

Considerations for an accessibility audit

- An audit empowers us to find and prioritize accessibility issues. But what exactly needs to be considered for us to do this? No matter what you plan to review, you will most likely use WCAG or similar guidelines like the authoring tools accessibility guidelines or user agent accessibility guidelines. So it's important to understand WCAG and define your conformance level goals. In our audit, we'll use WCAG to map and prioritize issues. As we discussed, the A levels are the current method WCAG applies to conformance. So before we start our audit, we need to ask ourselves, what level of accessibility are we reviewing for? Take time with your team to define your goals. If your team is using an accessibility audit as a starting point, maybe it's too early to define this. So instead, I recommend checking for A and AA items. Generally, we want to review all A and AA levels as these are ideal accessibility goals, but then how will…
