From the course: ASP.NET Web Forms Essential Training

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Run the application

Run the application

- [Instructor] So now that we've seen how our application is run, we are back in Visual Studio. So if I want to run this particular project, I have several options. So first one is actually I can press here, and I will run that directly. It's in IS Express, and it will start Google Chrome as my browser. If I want to choose a different browser, I can go in here and choose a different browser. The reason it shows Google Chrome here is because this is my default browser on this current machine. If I want to run the application in IS, I have to actually go in here and change the project itself, change the properties of the project. However, I won't be able to do that directly, mainly because if I choose this one here, it will tell me that it will create a new project URL called Demo App, but if I press create virtual directory, it will give me an error telling me that I am not the administrator on this particular machine. So if I want to do that, I need to run Visual Studio as an…
