From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

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Insider threat

Insider threat

- [Instructor] Intellectual property, personal data, and employee data are the crown jewels of an organization. Many of the ransomware attacks are in fact in the pursuit of this data. But how do you ensure that the trusted employees of your organization, intentionally or accidentally, do not send confidential information to undesired recipients? Regardless of whether you are a security professional, HR manager, or top executive, stopping the leakage of confidential data is of utmost importance to you and to your organization. This phenomenon, commonly known as inside data loss, is more common than you would think. Some common examples are a disgruntled employee intentionally emailing upcoming merger documents to an external analyst, or someone just accidentally uploading business files to their personal cloud folders. To solve this problem, you deploy a data loss prevention solution, also known as DLP. A DLP solution…
