From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

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Discriminative AI vs. generative AI

Discriminative AI vs. generative AI

- [Instructor] You have heard of OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard, which are fantastic conversational bots. It's amazing to witness the interactive dialogue such an artificial intelligent agent can have with a human, who's obviously blessed with natural intelligence. Another example is artificially-generated images of a person who actually doesn't exist. Now, take a look at this example of such an AI-generated image of a person who doesn't exist in reality. These examples fall into a category of AI known as generative artificial intelligence. As the name suggests, generative AI can create new content including video, audio, visuals, and conversations. Generative AI has been in the news and limelight lately but you should keep in mind that this is not the full spectrum of AI. Generative of AI is different from another branch known as discriminative AI. Both of them are used for solving different problems. So, let's…
